If you have any questions about Mason's Department of Mechanical Engineering, we're here to help. You can contact us through general information or talk to a specific member of our department.

General information
Email: mechengr@gmu.edu
Phone: 703-993-5383
Nguyen Engineering Building, Suite 3300
Mailing Address:
Mechanical Engineering Department
George Mason University
Volgenau School of Engineering
4400 University Drive, MS 6E9
Fairfax, VA 22030
Our location at the Science and Technology Campus:
Katherine G. Johnson Hall, 376
10890 George Mason Circle
Manassas, VA 20109
Undergraduate questions
Colleen Berg, associate chair of undergraduate programs
Graduate questions
Jeffrey Moran, associate chair for graduate studies
Getting to the Fairfax Campus
On the Fairfax Campus, we're on the third floor of the Nguyen Engineering Building, 4511 Patriot Circle, Fairfax, Virginia, 22030.
From the Shenandoah Park Deck, proceed towards the back exit. Parking closest to the exit will be closest to the engineering building. Walk out of the garage exit and downhill on York River Road. The engineering building is on the right next to Research Hall.
Mason Engineering's Fairfax Campus is less than 10 miles from the Dulles Technology Corridor and Loudoun County’s data centers.
On the Science and Technology Campus, we're in room 376 of Katherine G. Johnson Hall, 10890 George Mason Circle, Manassas, Virginia, 20109.